
If you really need help, contact 911 or something!

But, if you need help with the site or something along that matter, an answer may be here. If not I will be adding answers to some of the more common questions which I haven’t even figured out yet!
And if none of that helps. drop me a line through the Contact Form and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

If the player(s) say “connection crashed” or something like that, refresh the page and that should fix it. If not it’s probably going to be fine shortly.

If the players don’t work you may need to temporarily allow scripts if you block them in your browser.

Please refresh your browser and/or clear cookies so that you see the latest version of the site with all new additions!

If you use any script blocker or Privacy Badger in your browser they may block playing the songs, you might want to temp allow or disable them for this site.

If you have any “compression”, “loudness” “wow-effect” or any other settings for audio on your device that where it automatically raises the volume I’d suggest you turn that off. Those settings generally destroy dynamics (loud vs quiet) and if the song is made to be quiet at times that setting on your device will just ignore the way the song was made and make it all loud which is obviously contrary to the maker of the songs, so look into that if you’d like. It may help you enjoy your musical listening experience more.
With that said, I am not talking about volume LIMITERS that just stop it from playing louder than a certain setting, I am talking settings that COMPRESS the dynamic range, NOT limit.
Look into this on your own.

If you need help getting songs or some of the playlists I have listed in your account at a streaming place I will have some links listed on the playlists page and/or you can search out answers on your own.

Being independent as much as possible means figuring things out and having to make do. The links below the artwork and player for the songs have where you can download and/or stream the songs (along with other places I don’t have links to yet).

There are more places to find the songs other then where you see the links for iTunes, Spotify, etc. I’ll add them as I can but you can also search by band and song name of you have a favorite place to purchase or stream songs and there’s a good chance these songs are there.

One note, if you want to help artists out as much as possible, I am not 100% sure on how much artists are paid for music sales, but as I can tell right now, Tidal pays higher royalties for streaming followed by iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify and on down worse from there.
I am not sure about Amazon, but if possible, I’d ask you to avoid Amazon at least some as Jeff Bezos and the whole Amazon machine treats workers horribly and the more rich he and Amazon becomes the more dangerous he becomes, so please factor that into your decisions..

If you want to buy a song there are also some places that offer them, I don’t have a list but you can search or contact me and I’ll help as much I can.

If you are going to buy or listen to a song, then please consider how much artists are paid when choosing where you listen or download (not just for me, but all artists).
I deal with that issue a bit on this page.


PS, if you find a link that doesn’t work or goes to a wrong page or site please let me know!

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All songs, art, video and everything on and related to this site (, SoundsGoodMan Records, SoundsGoodMan, are c2004-2023 SDH, Steven D Howard. All Rights Reserved.

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