Gentle Wind of Earth Band Bio and are the official homes of “Gentle Wind Of Earth”

“Gentle Wind Of Earth” is native flute and sounds of life such as crickets, cicadas, water in a stream, etc. The flute you will hear is signed by the maker “Navajo JT” and played by me with the focus and intention being to connect with Earth and all life and encourage individual and planetary healing and health, coexistence and the ability to allow wisdom to enter us and for us to carry that forward.

As I mentioned, the flute was made by a Navajo man, if you are interested in Navajo music please go to the source. Any songs I do are just what I feel and attempt to let come through me. It is important that all cultures are celebrated and encouraged to thrive, so please search out those throughout the world that have carried the music on from generations past.

At the same time, the world needs your song, your wisdom and your voice, so please be open, care and be a part of bringing people back to their connected-ness with Mother Earth.

All the songs from “Gentle Wind Of Earth” will be trying to carry that intention and energy. I will add them as they come.


“Gentle Wind Of Earth” is on the label which supports independent musicians and bands that cover a very wide range of music, please visit there and check them out. More from this project and many other things will be added to that site regularly. There is a monthly newsletter, you may like to sign up for that for updates (and freebies!)

Contact us through here or the art site if you’d like to connect with any projects, collaborations or ideas to help life and this planet.

“Gentle Wind Of Earth” songs on here

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