Band Bios

Links to all the bios and info on the bands that have songs currently available on the SoundsGoodMan Records label.
More bands and more info will be added from time to time as it comes into being…

A Voice

Acoustic Here and There

Beba ‘n Harp (also Beba `n Harp, same band, just different formatting on the apostrophe)

Draw The Line And Stand

Hinder The Selfish

Ice Possible

Intermittent Clouds

Lava Flows

Lonely Walks The Hero

Moonlit Valley

Mossy Forest

Skies of Alberon

Songs from the Hilltop

Spicy Frost

Spirit Bells in the Mist

Spirit of Shadowtail

Symphonic Empathy

The Fifth Realm

Uncle Pinecone

Uncovering Within

Veil of the Firefly

Warp Drift

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All songs, art, video and everything on and related to this site (, SoundsGoodMan Records, SoundsGoodMan, are c2004-2025 SDH, Steven D Howard. All Rights Reserved.

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