Every day that goes by more and more people get their music through streaming services such as iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Tidal, etc and yet there are no regulations helping or protecting the artists (workers) that make the music.
Streaming pays very, very little and even with a large number of streams no one could live on the amount made unless the streams are massive in number and through places that pay more than average.
So, I ask of anyone who cares 2 things…
1) Please try to stream from a place that pays artists the most.
I understand that getting an accurate amount on average that each place pays is difficult and I will eventually try to get a list going, but until then just please spend a little time trying to find out and choose whatever pays the most per stream to the artist and whoever else is involved in the music creation and mention this issue to others.
While I don’t have an accurate complete list right now, YouTube pays WAAAY less than Amazon (which has a dismal record of treating workers fairly as it is) and it appears iTunes/Apple and Tidal are better than Spotify (which is even worse than it used to be, they don’t pay small artists at all any more, I’ll add more on that when I can or you can look it up), with some others being pitifully low, so low it’s almost non existent.
But again, if you could research I would appreciate it and please feel free to contact me with info or questions (or an up to date accurate list).
2) Please visit this page and follow through with any petitions, letters etc.
PS, musicians provide something for us and they are people, so let’s try to make sure they (and everyone) are able to pay their bills and live a decent life shall we?